Wednesday, February 08, 2006

And we're off...

Last night we had our first preview for GUANTANAMO, and it was a thrill to finally get to share this play with a live audience. We've been living with this play for so many months -- in meetings, rehearsals, readings, etc. -- but nothing quite compares with the first time you get to put it up in front of fresh eyes. As is usually the case with a first preview there were some minor hiccups and nerves were ratcheted up a notch...but overall it played well. Today, we regroup and keep working to improve the show, eliminate the hiccups and strengthen the storytelling. That's the beauty of having a week of previews -- we continue tinkering, but at last we are able to share this story with someone other than just ourselves. And now that we're into performances we hope to also start hearing from you -- the people coming to TimeLine each night to experience GUANTANAMO. I hope you'll share your thoughts about the show so we can extend the conversation beyond just your time at the theatre! If you've been at the show, I hope you'll post some comments.

--PJ Powers
Artistic Director


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